UBS Superday (9/19)

Unlock Your Potential is a Superday event on Thursday, October 13 and Friday, October 14, which is designed to educate women in their junior year of college on the exciting and diverse internship opportunities offered throughout UBS. This event will include keynote speakers, business education, and early interviews for our internship program.
Your Qualifications:
All women in the class of 2018 (juniors) with a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA are invited to apply online at (job ref. 139892BR). You'll have to submit your resume by Monday, September 19 in order to be considered.

Within a week of completing this step, you will receive an email from SONRU, which is a program we use for automated online video interviews. 

Additional information on SONRU:
You will receive an email from SONRU prompting you to create a username and password for the system. After logging in, you will find some tips and instructions for completing this part of the recruiting process. This can be taken 24 hours a day, but it must be completed no later than 11:59 p.m. EDT on Friday, September 23. Once completed, your video will be reviewed and Campus Recruiting will contact you directly with any next steps.